
Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Features : Reformed Theology – 10

Lecture 10, Limited Atonement :

The most common view of the atonement of Jesus is that Jesus died for everyone—that is, all people from all places in all times, every single human being that ever existed. But in order to take advantage of the benefits of the cross, one must first believe to be saved. Such a view is attractive, until we take a closer look at it. Dr. R.C Sproul will look at this view in light of Scripture in this message entitled “Limited Atonement.”

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Features : Reformed Theology – 9

Lecture 9, Unconditional Election :
Upon what condition did God elect sinners to salvation? Was your positive choice for the gospel the basis for your election before the foundation of the world? Was God’s choice based on your foreseen choice? Simply put, did God choose you because you first chose Him? Would God be unfair if He chose some to salvation and not others? In this message, Dr. R.C Sproul helps us understand this hard, yet biblical doctrine as he looks at “Unconditional Election.”

Video :

Audio : Listen

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday School : 1689 Confession – 7

Pastor Arden Hodgins continues his study through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in our Sunday School. The first chapter in the confession deals with the Holy Scriptures. Pastor Hodgins has a six point outline for this chapter dealing with the Scriptures namely, 1.Revelation, 2.Inspiration, 3.Cessation, 4.Illumination, 5.Interpretation and 6.Translation. 

After having discussed the doctrine of inspiration, its extent and nature last week, today he deals with his final of his study of the doctrine of inspiration. He deals with his last point from his three-point outline, namely, The Implications of Inspiration.

Inspiration of Scripture  - 2 : Listen  | Download

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Features : Reformed Theology – 8

Lecture 8, Total Depravity (Part 2) :

We are all sinful. But how sinful are we? Other than our shortened life-spans and bad habits, what real effect did the Fall have on the average everyday sinner? What affect does sin have on our decision making process? With what power did you use to choose the gospel? Dr. R.C Sproul takes us to the Scriptures to find out what Jesus has to say about our ability to choose as he continues to look at “Total Depravity.”

Video :

Audio : Listen

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday School : 1689 Confession – 6

Pastor Arden Hodgins continues his study through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in our Sunday School. The first chapter in the confession deals with the Holy Scriptures. Pastor Hodgins has a six point outline for this chapter dealing with the Scriptures namely, 1.Revelation, 2.Inspiration, 3.Cessation, 4.Illumination, 5.Interpretation and 6.Translation. 

After having discussed Revelation last week, today he deals with part 1 of his study of the doctrine of Inspiration. He has a three point outline of 1. The Extent of Inspiration,  2. The Nature of Inspiration, and 3. The Implications of Inspiration. He deals with the first two points in this first part of the study of this vital doctrine concerning Holy Scriptures.

Inspiration of Scripture  - 1 : Listen  | Download

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Features : Reformed Theology – 7

Lecture 7, Total Depravity (Part 1) :

Original sin has marred our nature. We are depraved. But how depraved are we? Are we simply less than perfect? What kind of improvements can we make within ourselves to change sin’s effect? In this message, Dr. Sproul looks at the distinctive doctrine of Reformed theology that is often misunderstood—“Total Depravity.”

Video :

Audio : Listen

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Role of the Seminary

Seminary presidents Albert Mohler and Peter Lillback discuss the role of the seminary in today’s world. Dr. Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Lillback, President of Westminster Theological Seminary were interviewed in Reformed Forum’s Christ The Center program. Here is the video :

Audio :   Listen  | Download

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is the Gospel?

Tim Keller, Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, a champion for gospel and gospel-centered ministry expounds Isaiah 53 and 54, to explain what the gospel does. He begins by noting that the gospel is neither “moral conformity religion” nor is it “self-discovery secularism”.  

From this passage in Isaiah, Keller points out three results that come from the gospel. The gospel brings, Keller says, “restructuring of your heart, removal of your sin and reversal of your values.” Keller preaches persuasively about the “costly grace” of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and how change happens in us only “when the gospel is intellectually coherent and existentially melting”. This sermon beautifully pictures the kind of people the gospel produces.

The Gospel  Listen  | Download

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three Types of Preaching

Dr. Derke P. Bergsma, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California, has written a very helpful article on the three types of preaching, based on sermon content. He lists them as Moralistic Sermons, Doctrinalistic Sermons and Redemptive Historical Sermons. In each case, he explains what each does and also points out whether or not we should adopt it. To illustrate his point he takes the story of Joseph and shows how each of these types of preaching would interpret it. Thus he has reasons to not recommend merely Moralistic and Doctrinalistic sermons. He thus makes the case for why all preaching ought to be redemptive historical in nature.

Regarding Moralistic sermons, Dr Bergsma explains it as one in which we are involved in “discerning ethical teachings from biblical examples”. In this approach, the story of “Joseph serves as a powerful model of one who resisted temptation even when it cost him a prison term.”  Dr. Bergsma says, “One might call this approach a search for biblical guidelines for godly living. It is motivated by a sincere desire to encourage people to be more pious, loving, kind, generous, and faithful in their Christian lives.” Along with this commendation, however comes his reasons to not recommend it as the sole form of preaching in the church, the main objection being, “The Bible should not be treated as a source book for moral advice. That is not its purpose. It is the infallible revelation of God's gracious determination to save a lost world. It records God's saving purpose in real history, culminating in the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ in the light of whom all Scripture must be understood. Where moral admonition appears, as it certainly does, it must be clearly recommended as the response of gratitude from the Lord's redeemed people.” He has another 5 reasons to this list of objections against moralistic preaching.

Dr. Bergsma regards Doctrinalistic sermons as one which is attempting to discover “doctrinal implications from biblical texts”.  In this approach, “the biblical account of Joseph's experiences demonstrates the doctrine of providence.”  Dr. Derke admits that “Much preaching in churches that align themselves with the Reformed tradition has historically been of the doctrinalist approach”, however lists three major reasons as to why preaching in the church ought not to be merely doctrinalistic.  His reasons are, first of all, it tends to view a clear “understanding of Christian doctrine as an end to itself rather than to provide a life-changing and God-honoring body of truth.” Thus it can lead people to the danger of forgetting the fact that “knowledge of the truth, crucially important though it is, may never be a substitute for the humble surrender of one's heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Secondly, it tends to view “individual doctrines in isolation from the larger body of biblical teaching.” Thus the centrality of Christ in all of Scriptures’ doctrines is not sufficiently brought about in merely doctrinalistic preaching. Thirdly, Dr. Bergsma argues that this approach “easily tends to lose sight of the organic nature of Scripture.” Thus the coherence of the Bible story-line found only when  the centrality of the gospel is appropriately stressed, is lost in this approach. It thus makes the Bible a “static document” from which one merely distills “doctrinal teaching from individual texts”. However the Bible is “the infallible account of God's saving acts unfolding in salvation history, from bud to flower, from promise to fulfillment.” and our preaching ought to recognize this structure of divine revelation.

Redemptive Historical preaching is exactly that; preaching which takes into account “the essential nature of the Bible”. Dr. Bergsma explains, “The Bible is God's revelation of his saving purposes in real planet earth history, culminating in the life, death, and resurrection of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Every text in Scripture is part of the unfolding of God's sovereign plan to redeem a lost world, a plan that reaches its fulfillment in the person and work of the Savior. Therefore, the fullest meaning of a particular text can be discerned only in relation to him who is the Word made flesh. And obedience to the ethical demands of any text is possible only in dependence on the power and grace of our divine Savior. No sermon is complete unless its place in the history of redemption, which centers in Jesus Christ, is clarified.” Hence this approach can also be called “Christ-centered preaching from all Scripture”. In this approach thus, “Joseph's experiences become part of the grand drama of divine redemption. Joseph is himself an object of God's grace, who is chosen by God to be an agent for the preservation of a covenant people through whom the Savior of the world, in the fullness of time, would be born. Joseph is thereby an imperfect type and shadow of Jesus, who is the ultimate preserver and deliverer of a covenant people. Joseph's salvation-and ours-is secure only in Jesus. Whatever noble character traits he exhibits are the evidence of grace in his life, traits that are common to those whose desire it is to please God and who are submissive to his providential will. We, too, are eager to please God as the response of gratitude for what he has done for us in Christ. Even our desire to do God's will has its source in him whose will it is our delight to do.”  Dr. Bergsma concludes his article with a list of four recommendations for doing redemptive historical preaching in our churches.

Evaluating Sermons  Read

[1] Dr. Derke P. Bergsma, Evaluating Sermons, Modern Reformation Nov./Dec. 2000 Vol. 9 No. 6 Pg 25,28-29

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