Picture #1 : Sinners prayer is absolutely an unbiblical method.. God bless men like Paul Washer who has declared a war on such shabby man centered methods.
Picture #2 : God and not heaven is the treasure of a truly regenerate soul.. one truth which is largely neglected by those who engage in evangelism and by those who devise methods for evangelism.Picture # 3: Many years ago A.W Tozer said this "if you are not changed by grace, you are not saved by grace'. Historically Calvinists have always believed that if someone is consistently living in sin, he is not backsliding but he is unregenerate. How different when most of today's pastors react by quoting the unbiblical doctrine of 'carnal Christian'?
Picture # 4: Paul Washer says in the same sermon that most pastors above 40 years old have no clue of this revival happening among young men below 30 years and one which is not covered by any media.. In my experience that is a very very true statement.. both about young people who are being awakened to historic orthodoxy and their sleepy pastors who waste their time in silly non-theological things.
Picture # 5: Amen.. I too get angry at men who treat gospel as a mere ticket and then spend their whole life focusing on other things.. a church which is not radically gospel centered is a hard place to be..