
Monday, October 25, 2010

Preaching and Theology

D.A Carson recently gave a series of lectures on the relationship between preaching and the different disciplines of theology namely Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology and Pastoral Theology. In each case, Dr. Carson aims "to reflect out loud on how these disciplines ought, self consciously, to affect our preaching." These lectures shed many valuable insights for theologically sound and biblically faithful preaching. As always Dr. Carson does not give some esoteric theories but rather works through many a texts in the Bible during these lectures. These are highly recommended for all pastors and preachers.

Links : 1.A, 1.B, 2.A, 2.B, 2.C, 3.A, 3.B



Preaching and Biblical Theology

- Definition of Biblical Theology
- How Biblical Theology enriches preaching?

  1. Biblical Theology directly addresses the massive biblical illiteracy now prevalent among our hearers
  2. Biblical Theology draws attention to the turning points in redemptive history
  3. Biblical Theology enriches Systematic Theology and together makes way for mature preaching
  4. Biblical Theology encourages the unpacking of various kinds of inter-canonical tendons that tie all of scripture together.
  5. Biblical Theology encourages various kinds of integration in our preaching which are missed when one does not take care of the structure and form of a book.

1. B   

Preaching and Systematic Theology

- Definition of Systematic Theology
- Characteristics of Systematic Theology

  1. At its best Systematic Theology synthesizes the whole and thus it authorizes comprehensive synthesis.
  2. Systematic Theology is less sensitive to corpus distinctions but more passionate about constructing the whole and must not be despised by specialists in Biblical Theology
  3. Systematic Theology is culturally located and dependent on Biblical Theology
  4. The best Systematic Theology is constructive Systematic Theology
  5. The best Systematic Theology forces us to think hierarchically about theology
  6. Systematic Theology ideally should be grounded and integrated with Biblical Theology
  7. Systematic Theology lends itself to worldview formations

2.A, 2. B - Short Q&As


Preaching and Historical Theology

- Definition of Historical Theology
- Importance of History in Christian Faith

  1. Biblical Christianity has an unique relationship with history. It is unique in its particular claim to be a historical revelation
  2. It follows that history and historical awareness must be part of a preacher's focus.
  3. This view of historical events has a peculiar relationship to the Christian understanding of faith.


Preaching and Historical Theology {Cont.d}

 - Relevance of Historical Theology to preaching

1.     Study of Historical Theology expands one's horizons. 
2.     Historical Theology teaches how certain issues become central in certain ages and helps us understand our age.
3.     Historical Theology teaches us that "God has more light to break from His most Holy Word " (B.B Warfield)
4.     Historical Theology reminds that some errors and heresies recur albeit with modifications.
5.     Historical Theology helps to show us what doctrines are paradigm independent.
6.    Historical Theology provides a plethora of moving and helpful illustrations that enrich expositions driving believers to a bigger world.
7.     Historical Theology helps us see how believers lost the gospel either by addition or by subtraction.


Preaching and Pastoral Theology

- Definition of Pastoral Theology
- Preaching and Pastoral Theology

  1. Pastoral Theology cultivates compassion.
  2. Pastoral Theology cultivates an understanding of people and their needs in biblical categories.
  3. Pastoral Theology cultivates a knowledge of the diversity of people in your congregation.
  4. Pastoral Theology cultivates a prepared mind and heart for the turning point in people's lives.
  5. Pastoral Theology cultivates a rapid, automatic, reflexive turn to Jesus, to the cross, to the Spirit and to God.
  6. Pastoral Theology cultivates connections between lofty thoughts of God, profound understanding of Scriptures and people.
  7. Pastoral Theology cultivates you to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
  8. Pastoral Theology cultivates prudential wisdom that refuses to give too much time to bottomless-pit-parishioners.
  9. Pastoral Theology cultivates a healthy independence from your congregation.
  10. Pastoral Theology cultivates your own maturation.

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