
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Confronting Pastoral Lies With The Gospel

The free eBook “Lies My Pastor Told Me: Confronting 15 Church Clichés with the Gospel”  by Cole Brown of the Emmaus Church is worth the read. It is based on Brown’s own experience of about 12 years with various pastors. He uses the word cliché instead of lies, as he feels most pastors who say these lies are not “intentionally lying but simply saying what they believe to be true by repeating the clichés they have heard throughout their lives.”[1] In the introduction Brown says that: “this book is not written against those pastors who lie, it is written for those people who are lied to that they might get a fresh glimpse of who God is and experience the joy and freedom that results. To this end I have divided the book into 15 chapters, each focusing on a common church cliché. Every chapter consists of three basic parts: 1) A brief explanation of the cliché. 2) An examination of what Scripture truly teaches on the subject. 3) An explanation of how the teachings of Scripture clearly give Jesus more glory and do you more good than the church cliché that is so often quoted.” [2]

The 15 pastoral lies recognized in this book are :

  1. “Don’t Put Your Mouth on the Man of God.”
  2. “The Bible is God’s Rulebook.”
  3. “This is God’s House.”
  4. “I feel the Spirit.”
  5. “I have Peace About this Decision.”
  6. “God Wants Me To Be Rich.”
  7. “That Will Make You Sin.”
  8. “Speak it into Existence.”
  9. “You’re not filled with the Holy Spirit if you Don’t Speak in Tongues.”
  10. “That’s the Devil.”
  11. “God Heals Those Who Have Faith.”
  12. “You Have a Generational Curse.”
  13. “She’s Not Anointed.”
  14. “Just Believe God.”
  15. “Doctrine is Dangerous.”

You can read the free book here

[1] Lies My Pastor Told Me: Confronting 15 Church Clichés with the Gospel by Cole Brown, pg 5
[2] Ibid pg 5-6
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