
Monday, April 25, 2011

Comforting Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology is not just for theologians, it is for every single Christian. For it reveals the God of the covenants as the covenant keeping, faithful God. Pastors would do well in learning to apply covenant theology to their sermons, to not only show how the whole counsel of God hangs together, but also to bring forth the comfort of knowing the God of the covenants. Concerning the comfort of covenant theology, here is a brilliant excerpt from the Prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon, who applied the truths of Covenant theology on his text from Genesis 7:16: 

The great door of Covenant faithfulness is shut behind the Believer and he is surrounded by the power and Grace of God, even as Noah was housed within the strong timbers of the ark. There is no crack nor cranny through which the floods of wrath can penetrate—Omnipotent Love has shut us in! And the Lord did this not only necessarily, but graciously. I call your attention to the change of the names in the text, a very significant change indeed—“They that went in, went in male and female of all flesh: as God had commanded him: and the Lord”—that is, Jehovah—“shut him in.” Elohim, as the Creator and Preserver, takes care of living things to preserve them, but the Lord, even Jehovah, the covenanting God, interposes in great mercy to protect His chosen servant!

It was Jehovah who entered into solemn league and Covenant with His servant, Noah, that He would preserve him in the ark and float him into the new world in it. And as Jehovah, the Covenanting One, He shut Noah in.There is no security like that which is given us by the Covenant of Grace. The hand which was lifted to swear our safety has also been outstretched to effect it! The everlasting Covenant, ordered in all things and sure, guarantees salvation to all who are represented by the great Head and Surety of that Covenant, even our Lord Jesus. Love and power cooperate with faithfulness and truth to keep the chosen from all danger. Dwell much upon the Covenant and note the immutable pledges by which it is secured and the immortal principles upon which it is founded! Try to suck out the delicious sweetness which is to be found in the hive of the Covenant, for if you are an advanced child of God, no form of the Truth of God can be more nourishing or refreshing to your mind.

The doctrines which spring out of the Covenant are peculiarly comforting to believing minds. The promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus and can never fail nor change, since the Covenant stands fast forever and ever. Its tenure is free and Sovereign Grace and it cannot be disannulled. Here is a line of it, “I will put My fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from Me.” With such a promise does Jehovah shut us in with Christ Jesus in matchless kindness and unspeakable love. [1]

[1]  C.H Spurgeon, Shut In Or Shut Out, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, August 14, 1881.
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