Redemptive-historical preaching is preaching every passage of Scripture, in light of its redemptive-historical context, showing how each passage relates to the grace of God which is ultimately revealed in Jesus Christ. This Christ-centered approach to preaching is much needed if one desires to see gospel-centered ministries flourish in our day and age In his first part last week, Dr. Bryan Chapell, president of Covenant Theological Seminary, introduced the redemptive-historical approach to preaching, its necessity, what it entails and how it is different from other approaches.
In his second part, Dr.Chapell deals with developing Redemptive-Historical sermons. He begins with a three-step basic process for preaching Christ from any text in the Bible. He then discusses interpretive approaches to be employed in Christ-centered preaching. His third and final section in this study is dealing with expounding historical narratives with Christ-centered lenses. He concludes with recognizing the entire bible as comprised of texts falling into four main categories – 1. Predictive of the Work of Christ, 2. Preparatory of the Work of Christ, 3. Reflective of the Work of Christ and 4. Resultant of the Work of Christ.