
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Achievement of The Cross

Swiss Reformed Baptist theologian Dr. Roger Nicole makes three studies on that doctrine which is at the core of Christianity – the atonement work of Lord Jesus Christ. J.I Packer once noted about Nicole as “Awesome for brain power, learning and wisdom; endlessly patient and courteous in his gentle geniality, and beloved by a multitude as pastor, mentor and friend." [1] True to this tribute, Dr. Nicole brings his thoroughness as a scholar in these three studies on the atonement which he did for the 1989 Desiring God Pastors conference.

In his first address, Dr. Nicole does a survey of the variety of words used in Scripture for the atonement work of Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Nicole goes through three main words used in the New Testament viz. reconciliation, propitiation and redemption. There are many insights to be gained in this study with many expositions of verses which involve these words.

In his second study, Dr. Nicole focuses on the substitutionary nature of the atonement. In this study he considers inadequate theories of atonement which has been presented to the church in history, all of which deny the substitutionary nature of atonement.  He shows how they fail to answer some key questions to be answered by any theory of atonement and also how by their denial of substitution, they even lose support for that element of truth it claims to have.  Dr. Nicole's analysis of each system and his use of simple yet striking illustrations are very powerful and insightful.

Finally, in the third study, Dr. Nicole turns his attention to the scope of the atonement. His aim is to see whether the scriptures teach an universal or effectual atonement. He contends that these two categories – universal and effectual are mutually exclusive categories, if universalistic salvation is to be denied. Now there are Christians who deny universalistic salvation and yet hold to an universal and effectual understanding of the atonement.  They believe that the work of Jesus was intended for every single human being, yet in reality it is efficient in the case of the elect only. However if atonement is universal in nature and effectual only to the elect, then it implies that the efficacy of such a salvation is outside the work of Christ and depends on some other agency. For if efficacy is found in the work of Christ, then an universal atonement will yield an universal salvation. Historic Calvinists have approached this whole discussion on the scope of the atonement, with a biblical presupposition, that the efficacy of the atonement is entirely and exclusively found in the work of Jesus Christ. Hence atonement cannot be efficacious and universal at the same time.  For those who think this is mere human logic, Dr. Nicole goes through a myriad of scriptures to show how this understanding is exegetically valid. He also takes some of the common passages which are raised as an objection against this understanding and offers a detailed explanation in most of these cases. Again a very profitable and thorough study.

The information contained in these lectures is vast and detailed. Hence take note that this series demands attentive ears and engaged minds.  Recommended only for serious students of Scriptures.

1. The Biblical Variety of Language  Listen | Download
2. The Unifying Key: Substitution  Listen | Download
3. The Scope: Efficacy or Universality  Listen | Download

[1] Bailey, David W. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE: Life & Legacy of Roger Nicole. Solid Ground Christian Books, 2006

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