Paul Washer begins his sermon with a short lecture on how the biblical gospel has been and still is a scandal. Washer begins by showing how the first century world was as opposed to the gospel as our day is. Washer notes how the Apostles and first century Christians did not make any compromise in their preaching to make peace with their culture. Paul then moves onto show how the gospel is a scandal in our day of relativism, pluralism and humanism. He dissects each of these isms and shows how the gospel is a scandal to them. He thus exhorts believers to come to grips with the truth that our gospel is a message that is scandalous and unbelievable to the fallen man. Hence all evangelism which aims to please the fallen man and get religious decisions from him, which is deemed as conversion, is a fallen and spurious evangelism.
In his preaching, Washer then moves onto explaining how the modern gospel invitation is a faulty one and instead offers a more biblical alternative. He goes through each of the questions usually employed in modern gospel call, identifies the unscriptural and man centered nature of these questions and then offers the biblical alternative for it.
This sermon is highly recommended as purity of evangelism directly affects the membership of a church, which eventually affects the glory of God through Christ Jesus in the church.
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